is a real-life, reward-based game that encourages families to spend more quality time with one another.

Reward Tokens

Tokens are earned for good behavior, achievements and helping around the house.  

Action Cards

Action cards can be purchased with Tokens & redeemed at an opportune time.

Families get to identify and understand each other's real needs and love languages while encouraging positive behaviour.  

Got Questions?

How Does It Work?

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What You Get

The Treasure Chest contains 30 different Action Cards & Reward Tokens.

Families decide the value of each action card from 1-5. The more popular card, the higher the value. 

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Involve The Family

 Next, family members decide the value of the tokens earned for different good deeds, results or performances. Some examples may be cleaning my room, good results in a test, taking out the garbage, help mom around the house, positive attitude, good deeds for others, etc.  

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Start Playing!

Tokens are then exchanged for the action cards of the same value. Action cards can be redeemed at an opportune or agreed upon time. 

 Once the card has been played, it can return to the chest where someone else can exchange it for their tokens. 

Treasure Time Family Image
How do we get it and what does it cost?

Ready To Start?

We would like to support families that need an extra income by distributing Treasuretime through selected agents in each area.   

Please visit our find an agent page to see a list of agents in your area. If you interested in joining our team you can apply to become an agent.

The treasure chest sells for R199 


Asked Questions


Our Clan

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Web Mechanic

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Background Mastermind

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Graphic Genie

Ready To Buy A Set?

We are in the process of allowing our admired customers to purchase a TreasureTime set online through a payment gateway. But for now, please leave your info with us and we will do all the heavy lifting for you! Alternatively, you can find an agent in your area.

Where Should We Deliver Your Set?